Fancy the idea of PIEROGI PIEROGI coming over and cooking for you at your next party? Do you Love Polish Dumplings and want us to feed the gang at your next office function? Are you getting married and want to add a slice of Poland to your big day?
Well you are in luck!
PIEROGI PIEROGI take great pleasure in serving our delicious homemade Polish dumplings to new, hungry audiences. We have the ability to cater any size occasion, small or large, and are happy to tailor our services to your needs.

About catering
Its not just PIEROGI! We can organise a full Polish food menu, from finger food snacks to full sit down meals or beers and cocktails depending on your requirements.
We can bring our 3x3m Marquee and set up anywhere on level ground with our full kitchen setup for a real street food market vibe or utilise the cooking area in your space to feed your and your friends.
Our events booking start at 2 hours of service.
We can use our disposable cutlery and plates or work with other cutlery options if you want a more schmick affair!
We are happy to travel outside of Melbourne, drop us a line to discuss where you are.
We cater for Vegans, Vegetarians and can work with most dietary requirements.
Minimum spend
Our catering works off a minimum spend system. You make up to the minimum amount with items from our menu.
Different days of the week will have different minimum spends. Friday Night, Saturday and Sunday are our peak times for trade, but lunch and dinners during the week are at a lower rate.
Are you interested in our catering? EMAIL US or use CONTACT FORM.